Parcul Libertatii Complex
Euro Constructii Project
Parcul Libertatii Complex is located in the south of Liberty Park in Galati!
Libertatii I Building have 52 apartments and all are sold.
Address:Movilei street, with exit in Anul Revolutiei 1848 street (south of Parcul Libertatii) Status: Completed Apartments available:0
Photo Gallery
Parcul Libertatii Complex
Exchange Rate
1 EUR / Euro
4.9764 RON
4.9764 RON
1 USD / Dolarul SUA
4.8032 RON
4.8032 RON
1 CHF / Francul Elvetian
5.3062 RON
5.3062 RON
1 CAD / Dolarul Canadian
3.3457 RON
3.3457 RON